7 Key Qualities to Look for in a Corporate Video Production Company

corporate video production

There's a good reason why the job outlook for video production professionals is expected to increase by 7% over the next decade.

Whether for television commercials or how-to videos, we rely on these video production companies to synthesize complex information into an easy-to-understand medium.

For many businesses, corporate videos are an essential way of internal and external communication within a company. Unfortunately, finding a quality corporate video production company can be easier said than done.

That's why we made this guide. In it, we'll break down seven qualities to consider when selecting one of these companies. That way, you know you're going with a professional, not an amateur.

What Are Some of the Different Types of Corporate Videos?

Before we learn about the essential qualities to look for in a video production company, it's important to understand exactly what a corporate video is. Corporate videos is a broad term to describe any company's internal or external video communications.

Like other forms of marketing, the goal of a corporate video is either to persuade or inform. So, what makes it different from traditional advertising methods?

The key lies in the audience. With traditional advertising, the audience tends to be a target market within the general public. Corporate videos, on the other hand, are for a specific niche audience, either in or outside the company.

For example, a corporate video might seek to explain quarterly financial reports to stakeholders within a company. Or, it might be a video resource to teach new employees. Some common types of corporate videos might include things like:

  • Training videos

  • Promotional videos

  • Internal communication videos

  • Conference videos

  • Social impact videos

So why are corporations making these videos? Because they recognize the power behind the medium. Video can take complex ideas and synthesize them into something easily understandable.

That's why 52% of companies invest more in video content overall. If you think corporate videos are right for your business, you'll need a production company. Here are some essential qualities you should look for during your search.

1. Video Production Quality

Quality is vital in a video, regardless of its context. If something looks like an amateur did it, there's a good chance that people will tune out the message.

Because of this, one of the first things you should look for in a production company is the quality of their work. So, how do you determine video quality? First, you need to ask to see a portfolio or reel of the company's past work.

While looking at this, you should pay attention to two main things. First, look at the picture itself. What's the overall feel of the video quality? Does it look like a student film some amateur put on YouTube? Or does it feel like it could be a national commercial?

You should also pay attention to the lighting quality. Videos that are too dark or bright should be a clear red flag. Also, remember that just because the video quality isn't perfect doesn't rule out the production company.

Some corporate videos, like employee training videos, might not require the highest production standard. However, they should still be clear and understandable.

Remember that there are eight million other businesses out there. Your video materials should be unique enough to distinguish you from them. The second thing you need to pay attention to is the sound.

Professional audio will sound crisp and clear. It's not too loud or quiet. Poor audio will sound overblown or like they have the mic in an entirely different room.

If someone is being interviewed in your video, sound should be a significant factor when choosing the production company.

2. Collaboration

To be a success, corporate videos need to be collaborative. You likely have a vision of the final product that you want. It's the job of the corporate video production company to make that vision a reality.

This should be a clear red flag if the production company tries to impose its ideas on your vision. That's not to say that the production company might not have good ideas.

They're professionals, and you should listen to what they have to say. However, it should be a collaboration between the two parties. They should give you suggestions or insights to which you can either say yes or no.

You're looking for someone easy to work with. If you're constantly butting heads with the production company because they want to do things their way, that's a clear sign to look elsewhere.

3. Experience

The reason you're hiring a video production company is for their expertise. However, if they're new to the industry, you won't get the quality you're looking for.

The more years someone has been practicing video production, the more knowledge they can bring. However, remember that it's also the type of experience that matters at the end of the day.

Do they have experience making corporate videos? Or has most of their experience been in different forms of video? It's important to note that just because a company doesn't have experience in corporate video doesn't necessarily mean they won't be a good fit.

However, there is a learning curve with these types of projects. Often, you're working with real people who have never been in front of a camera.

Experience with corporate video helps the production company direct these often nervous individuals. As such, we recommend finding someone who has worked for corporations before in some capacity. That way, you can take advantage of all the brand benefits of this production. 

4. Crew Size

It's important to note that video crew size doesn't necessarily translate to higher quality. You can make a great video with a crew of only two to three people. That being said, context is what matters here.

If you're working on a national corporate message or advertisement, you will want a large team to back you up. However, if you have a large team working on a small corporate video project, it can be a waste of time and money.

So, describe the scope of your project to the production company as if they have the crew resources to support the video project and listen closely to their response.

5. Development Capabilities

Sometimes, all you need from a production company is for them to film your video. In these circumstances, you have your strategy, script, and actors all ready to go. Other times, you'll need to develop the video from the ground up.

Depending on your needs, you should ensure the corporate video production company can support your development requirements.

For example, here at Nyhuis Creative, we can help you develop an idea and work it through pre-production, content creation, and post-production.

You want a company that can be as hands-off or hands-on as you need. As such, asking about their development capabilities can be a valuable place to start.

6. Costs and Affordability

At the end of the day, you're a business. That means that you're likely working with a set budget when making your corporate video. However, it's important to note that when it comes to video production for business, you get what you pay for.

Sure, you might be able to make a video on a shoestring budget of a few hundred dollars. But will it be good? Most likely not.

Remember that you need to pay for quality. And when it comes to branding videos, that quality can often lead to more return on investment. A video that generates leads and value will quickly pay for itself.

7. Ability to Go Viral

Not every corporate video needs to go viral. For example, if you're making an employee training video, it shouldn't be shared widely online.

That being said, some corporate videos might seek to convey critical information that your company hopes will be shared by hundreds or thousands of people.

The problem is that making viral content is easier said than done. There's a certain magic to viral content that can be hard to put into a bottle.

That being said, there are tips and tricks that a production company can use to increase the chances of going viral. If you aim to reach as many people as possible, ensure the video production company you use is familiar with these strategies.

How Nyhuis Creative Can Help You With Corporate Video Production

We hope this guide helped you learn how to choose a corporate video production company. Here at Nyhuis Creative, we firmly believe in the versatility of video as a multimedia tool.

However, without the proper research and execution, it's unlikely that your corporate video production will make a splash. That's why all our content looks deeply at a company's target audience.

Then, we work with you to develop personalized content that speaks to them. If you want to learn more about how we can help your corporation, contact us today.


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